Titles (Graphics/Titles1, Graphics/Titles2) A file containing images to display on the title screen. To loop a parallax, match up the top and bottom and left and right sides, just like you would for Web page wallpaper. There are no particular size restrictions. Parallaxes (Graphics/Parallaxes) A file containing images (parallaxes) to display at the back layer of maps. The size is fixed to 580 × 444, slightly larger than the screen. The two can be freely combined as a battle background. Battlebacks1 is mainly floor images, while Battlebacks2 is mainly wall images. Battle Backgrounds (Graphics/Battlebacks1, Graphics/Battlebacks2) A file containing images to be used as backgrounds on the battle screen. Tilesets (Graphics/Tilesets) A file containing the tiles that comprise maps. A file can contain up to twenty blocks (100 cells), but it would be best not to make images too large, as they will slow down game performance, including load times. Five animation cells in a row, each consisting of a 192 × 192 image, comprise one block, and each file is only as long as is required to accommodate the number of blocks used. Animations (Graphics/Animations) A file containing images for animations to display mainly as effects on the battle screen. You can choose the size, but in general images must fit on the 544 × 296 battle screen. Battle Graphics (Graphics/Battlers) A file containing images of enemy characters to display on the battle screen. One file contains up to eight 96 × 96 images arranged four across and two down. Face Graphics (Graphics/Faces) A file containing images of face graphics to display mainly on menus and in message windows. It can also be used in combination with the exclamation point (!) special character. In this case, the size of the character will be one-third of the width and one-fourth of the height of the file. Adding a dollar sign ($) to the beginning of a file name allows you to treat one character as one file. It can also be used in combination with the dollar sign ($) special character. This is used mainly for object-type characters on maps, such as doors and treasure chests.

Adding an exclamation point (!) to the beginning of a file name cancels the application of the four-pixel offset, and also turns off the translucent effect applied by the bush attribute. Note that RPG Maker VX Ace displays characters offset four pixels from tiles so as to more naturally portray them with buildings. The size of this character is calculated based on one-twelfth the width and one-eighth the height of this file. In each file, arrange characters two down and four across, for a total of eight. A character can be of any size, and a total of twelve patterns (four directions (down, left, right, up) × 3 patterns) are arranged in the designated order. From the help file: Characters (Graphics/Characters) Files containing images of characters to display on the map screen.